projects filtered by tag: workshop


    Play the Game was a one week workshop given by Jörg Frohnmayer. The focus was on how rules influence the gameplay.


    The project is dealing with the idea of accessing your own personal data from a point of view u never experienced before. Jörg Frohnmayer suggested to students to bring their own private dataset and make an artistic or profession virtual reality (VR) storyboard in a one week workshop. The out come was a VR experience that reflected the difference one can get from a spatial representation of data and was represented in a stereoscopic setup like HTC-Vive.


    The Virtual Reality Workshop during the pathway week 2008 at the Merz Akademie was lectured by Roland Blach, Matthias Bues and Jörg Frohnmayer from the CCVE at Fraunhofer IAO. After a swift introduction students have build realtime applications within the field of game design and interaction design.