This summer semester students conceptualized and realized VR Games that happen inside the imaginary Grid known from TRON. Jörg Frohnmayer supervised the projects that have been presented at Trickfilmfestivals Gamezone in Mai 2019.
This summer semester students conceptualized and realized VR Games that happen inside the imaginary Grid known from TRON. Jörg Frohnmayer supervised the projects that have been presented at Trickfilmfestivals Gamezone in Mai 2019.
is a pathwayweek done by Jörg Frohnmayer with the focus on developing proposal for virtual worlds and look what possible spatial navigations we want to use inside this world. The students made storyboards for worlds andnavigations and implemented them as prototypes in Unity3d with the HTC Vive .
The Project deals with prototyping artistic and professional storyboards for virtual reality (VR) that reflect the accessability of private data. Jörg Frohnmayer suggested the project where students took in a one week workshop their own private data and accessed it an a spatial way. We where using VR technology like HTC-Vive et. al. to generate a new point of view to ourown personal data.