The <
HTML tag was introduced in 1996 with version 2.0 of Netscape browser. This tag made it possible to divide a browser window into parts and show several HTML documents at once.
A lot has been written about this most controversial tag in the history of markup languages. Already in the year it was created, usability experts announced that it breaks fundamental rules of hypertext and navigation. It was hated in the end of the 1990's and neglected in the new millennium.
In March 2011 W3C finally removed frames from the HTML5 standard.
Strange enough, this news caught up with our group right in the moment when we found out that frames would be the best solution for one obscure effect we wanted to achieve. It motivated us to to give a close look at this now officially dead technology and further experiment with it.
is an exhibition, a monument and an archive.
Among other findings and experiments, it features 5205 framesets of Geocitiesand around 100 "No Frames!" buttons.
Framesets are best viewed with firefox!!
-Olia Lialina,
proud author of MBCBFTW frameset (1996) and Agatha Appears frameset (1997)
Esra Bayrak
Cute anime girls dance the very popular caramelldansen, while being secretly watched by a threat.
There are many ways to imitate real life objects with frames. In this case, the frames become the barcode on a milk carton.
Tangible Closet
The Tangible Closets are actually digital and should not be tangible, but frames allow the user to open and close them and give an impression that the digital closets are real and tangible.
Tangible Closet / 2
Tangible Closet / 3
Salvador Cobo-Jimena
Psycho, a cult movie from 1960, is one of the classics in cinema history.
In “Psycho in Frames” the frames unfold like a stage to present the dramatic murder scene.
Saskia Aldinger
Cabinet of Dreams
is an online art work with the focus on the aestetics of the early web at 1996 and the myspace world, HTML frames, animated gifs and glitter graphics. The Web is full of dreams, dreams of importance, popularity, love, peace and the dream to make something special or new to show it to all the people around. This work is a big thanks to the Web and the people who make it lovely evey day but also to show that frames are nice and special.
Flexible Dancefloor Disco
One Frameset, One Dancefloor!
Mummy unwrapping
is a HTML frame experiment. Frames allow the user to
unwrap a mummy. Best used on a touch computer.
Darja Daut
Is a collection of "no frames" and "frame free" gifs which were originally used on sites of the early personal homepages. They show the unpopularity of frames and the early internet user’s dissatisfaction.
Imaginary Scenario / Facebook
Imaginary Scenario / Google
Describes the utopic imagination of today’s web with the use of non-standard frames. Popular sites like Google and Facebook were here illustrated with frames, thus the web 2.0 and the web of the 90s become united in this illusion.
is the fictional name of the apartment complex where Rare Window takes place.
As required by the American law a film murder shall not happen at a real place.
So in reality the street change into Christopher Street before reaching number 125.
Jan Wenger
Coverflow imitates modern inferfaces an mimics the appearance of Apple's coverflow or common jQuery-Sliders with a frameset.
Typical loading sequence of a Flash website in a frameset. It is a broad hint for Flash, which will one day meet the same fate like <
360° picks up the aesthetics of Google Streetview, plays with the 3D views and offers a new old interaction method to move in a virtual space.....*cough* not xD